The following games are available for download on the eShop but are also available to buy in stores in physical form. Some games have extra content through SpotPass or DLC, which of course take space in your SD Card.

Only the base file sizes are listed here. Since the sizes of some games were taken from my own Data Management, they may not be exactly as the eShop lists, although the difference is never more than 2-5 blocks, in my experience. When a game gets downloaded and installed, the file size may end up slightly different from what the eShop originally said (Senran Kagura Burst is 13,932 blocks according to eShop, but becomes 13,929 once installed).

1 block equals 128 Kilobytes, so just multiply the size of a game for 0,128 and you'll get the size in Megabytes. File sizes are listed in blocks, which is what the eShop officially uses. If someone wants to make EU/JP threads, be my guest. I don't have a European or Japanese 3DS so I can't compile lists for those. All file sizes are based on the US eShop.

Things to note while reading this thread: You want to download games on your 3DS but not sure if your current SD Card will be able to handle it? Well, look no further than this topic, where you can check the file size of every downloadable title for the Nintendo 3DS.